Shiva Shell sometimes called Pacific Cat’s Eye have been believed to open the Third Eye Chakra which transform and mute negative energy. It is a stunning natural gem made of calcium carbonate and have brown and black band that are carved into the shape of the eye. Lord Shiva other than India is worshiped in countries, Tibet, and Sri Lanka, the gem’s name are derived from the Lord Shiva third eye in the middle of the idol’s forehead. Shiva's eye is a significant divination and transforming crystal which help to find a new path in life.
It gives us the vision of the Third Eye and has Water energy it is believed to sharpen the wearer’s intuition, which in turn enhances the discernment and deepen the understanding. It is a stone of wisdom which help to understand our world and events. Shiva's eye proves to be good if it is held in the north area of an individual’s home and is supposed to be associated with life history and career path. The flowing energy of this stone balances the push of life currents and will protect or guard against its ill effects. The Eye of Shiva or so-called Pacific Cat’s Eye is used principally as a meditation crystal to understand yourself and the issues that are happening in life. It is practiced to facilitate deep understanding of your inner self so you can effectively dispense with the outside universe in a manner that is sizable for your heart. It is reported that it will reflect and fight back against the Evil Eye, and also helps with premonition efforts.
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