Flower Agate
Flower Agate Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Encourages Self Growth.
Will enable its keeper to "bloom" and "blossom".
Encourages its keeper to reach their full potential.
Aids in personal Growth.
Helps manifest dreams.
Inhabits a soft, feminine energy.
Can help to reveal hidden, or previously lost talents.
Combats procrastination.
Flower Agate in Healing:
Encourages its keeper to let the past go and look toward the future.
Motivates its keeper to live life to the fullest.
Said to help re-align and cleanse chakras.

In spite of the fact that crystals have been used throughout history to treat medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog should not be construed as medical advice. Furthermore, you should obey medical professionals' instructions based on their diagnoses.
Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.