Que Sera
Que Sera Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Que Sera creates an awesome power source for higher creativity and spiritual evolution.
With its assistance you attune to the Akashic Record of your soul’s purpose and view all possible pathways with their outcomes.
Que Sera insists that you stand in your own power. If you took on duties or unconsciously assumed a role or obligations so the world would perceive you as ‘a good person’, Que Sera releases you.
The stone teaches that such an act of ‘service’ is actually selfish and self-serving. It frees you to be of true service. If you find it impossible to say no when asked to do even more, keep Que Sera in your pocket.
Que Sera is powerful, synergistic combination with extremely high and yet deeply earthy vibrations, Que Sera contains Quartz, Feldspar, Calcite, Kaolinite, Iron, Magnetite, Leucozone, and Clinozoisite and carries those energies even when not visible.
Que Sera in Healing:
Que Sera is a powerful carrier of Qi and an excellent all round healer, Que Sera has strong, readily accessible bioscalar wave energy.
This stone is an excellent shield against Wi-Fi emanations and other electromagnetic pollutants.
It recharges and balances the meridians and organs of the subtle and physical bodies. Place it wherever dis-ease or depletion exists.
The stone activates neurotransmitters to optimize the energetic circuit. Assisting a healer to see into the recipient’s energy matrix, Que Sera highlights areas of dis-ease. It serves as a dowsing rod – twitching as it moves over places that need healing.