Green Sandstone
Green Sandstone Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Green Sandstone is a man-made glass that has been infused with reflective particles from chromium oxides rather than the elemental metal. It was invented by the Miotti family in Venice during the seventeenth century and because glass is made from Quartz sand (Silica), Goldstone has found its way into the healing community. Green Goldstone is said to be a calming crystal and is especially good for emotional healing.
Spiritually, Green Sandstone enhances psychic abilities, psychic communication, and provides spiritual protection.
Green Sandstone's vibrations offer support and comfort during challenging times of transition.
Green Sandstone transmits energetic willpower and courage to the wearer, making them feel encouraged and motivated to pursue their goals and dreams.
Green Sandstone in Healing:
Metaphysical healing lore says that it is very effective for physical healing, especially for pain and inflammation.
Green Sandstone helps shine a light on counterproductive thoughts and behavior patterns, giving us an insight into any self-sabotage we may be unconsciously practicing.
Some have also found that green sandstone has helped soothe some of their physical ailments, such as arthritis and other joint and bone disorders, circulatory issues, headaches and migraines, and general pain relief.
- It diverts unhelpful, toxic, and unpleasant energy from the wearer, saving them from experiencing anything uncomfortable, bothersome, and disturbing.