Sardonyx Meaning + Metaphysical Abilities:
Said to elevate feelings of happiness.
Great for those who are constantly on the go, it will encourage its keeper to take a step back and analyse their life choices.
Great for those who feel their life is currently very chaotic - it will encourage and bring peace, relaxation and free time into its keepers’ life.
Commonly used to help instil a sense of determination and willpower into its keeper’s life.
Promotes stability.
Can help show its keeper the reason why they feel the way they do; it can bring supressed memories or feelings to the surface and help to heal its keeper’s soul, working from the inside - out.
Sardonyx in Healing:
Perfect for those whose career's or life revolves around healing.
Great for those who work with Chakras.
Said to help cleanse the spirit and clean the aura.
Said to help improve sight, smell and hearing.
Can help those who struggle with intestinal issues.
Often used to encourage the absorption of nutrients in the body.
Traditionally, Sardonyx is used to help treat infections of the kidney and urinary tract.
Said to help ease the torment of back pain.