Oranges -
The orange, with its globe-like shape, is believed to be associated with Gaia, goddess of fertility, and Enlil, god of earth and air. There is a strong association between oranges and love, fertility, success, prosperity, and friendship. Additionally, they are used for divination. Besides being a good household cleaner, oranges also have spiritual cleansing and purifying properties.
Simple Spells:
- Add dried orange slices to career & confidence spells.
- Make gift & garlands decorated with dried orange & cinnamon to bring prosperity to your household.
- Flowers, seeds, peels & dried orange slices can be added to love sachets, charms & spells.
- Due to its association with the Sun, place oranges on your Yule and Litha altars to symbolize the return of the Sun at Yule and his rise in strength at Litha.
- For prosperity magic, orange peels can be added to spell mixtures, incense, or powders to increase the potency of the spell.
- Altars.
- Garlands & potpourri.
- Carry dried orange slices on your person to uplift, energize & bring goodluck.
- Combine a few drops of orange essential oil with a natural alcohol base like vodka, put it in a spray bottle, and spritz it over the altar for a lovely energy cleansing.
Add them to:
- Teas.
- Syrups.
- Potions.
- Salts & Sugars.
Magickal Properties:
- Abundance
- Love
- Marriage
- Happiness
- Luck
- Money
- Prosperity
- Healing
- Fidelity
- Fertility
- Peace
- Growth
- Healthy sexuality
- Purification
- Divination
- Renewal
- Home & business blessings
- Clarity
- Success
Medicinal Properties:
- Antimicrobial
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-anxiety
Gender - Masculine
Ruling Planet - Sun
Element - Fire
Chakra - Sacral
Astrological - Libra
Lemons -
Typically, lemons are used in celebrating lunar deities and are also used as staple elements for summertime ceremonies. It is customary for every witch to place lemon peels on the altar during sun magic spells and rituals.
Dried lemon peel is added to incense blends, spiritual washes, or bathwater. This also works well in love magic when mixed with other herbs inside a mojo bag. For protection, lemon peel can be used to make up witches bottles or thrown directly at an intruder.
Lemon Peels absorb and break negative spirits that envious people cast on you. Giving food to strangers with a lemon ingredient also facilitates brand-new relationships. It also facilitates the clearing of energy blocks and old attachments that hinder life and career expansion.
Lemon is an essential part of a modern witch’s herbal cabinet and is made into different beverages to quench the thirst during summertime. Lemon Peels encourage optimism and positivity in the face of adversities, as the saying goes; when life gives you lemons, make lemonades.
Simple Spells:
- You could also stick a lemon with coloured pins and hang it in the house to bring blessings.
- Stick nine iron nails into a lemon and tie it with red thread and hang beside your front door to ward away evil.
- Lemon Peel can be used as an ingredient to enchant abundance to your home and business.
- Lemon Peel can be used in love spells to encourage fidelity and faithfulness of your spouse to strengthen your marriage.
- Hex & curse removal.
- Create a floor wash to purify your home.
- Dress candles or loose incense.
Add them to:
- Moon water.
- Desserts, for romance & love.
- Invigorate your ritual bath.
Magickal Properties:
- Longevity
- Purification
- Refreshment
- Uplifting
- Clarity
- Friendship
- Happiness
- Aura Cleansing
- Rejuvenation
- Awareness
- Love
- Fidelity
- Protection
Medicinal Properties:
- Digestive aid
- Source of vitamin c
- Improves skin health
- Controlling blood pressure
- Natural breath freshener
Gender - Feminine
Ruling Planet - Moon
Element - Water
Chakra - Solar Plexus
Astrological - Pisces & Cancer
Approx. 10g Bag of dehydrated fruit