White sage smudge sticks are the most commonly used tool for a cleansing ritual. Sage emits negative ions and our aura holds positive ions. Through the smudging process we can neutralize our aura or the energy of other spaces and objects to cleanse and renew.
White sage smudging is an ancient practice used for healing, ceremonial, and energy clearing work.
White sage is used for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification. The ritual of smudging can be defined as spiritual house cleaning. The smoke from burning the sacred sage herb is used to free an environment or person of unwanted energies.
Wave the smoke of your sage into all corners of your home. The smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears, it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space where it will be regenerated into positive energy. Once the space is cleared, allow the sage bundle to either burn out or gently press it out in your heat-proof shell or container.